Thread: @BernieSanders
1/Within minutes of Bernie suspending his campaign, social media was flooded with folks wagging their fingers about how we better get on board with Biden-and now. Even though the general is still seven months away. Sorry but I need time to process.
2/I’ve volunteered countless hours for the campaign, as have hundreds of thousands of others. We’ve organized, made millions of calls, and knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors. Many thousands of traveled to early primary states in subzero temperatures to knock on doors.
3/Biden has nowhere near that army of volunteers or level of enthusiasm, which may explain why people are so nervous. He does not inspire confidence that he can defeat Trump. For decades, he pushed legislation that has done more harm than good for the working class and POC.
4/Is he better than Trump? Of course.”Better than Trump” is a pretty low bar. I will vote for him in November. Trump is a disaster in every sense of that word. But I am going to vote for Bernie in the PA primary and encourage anyone who still has a primary to vote for Bernie too.
5/This will give him more delegates and therefore more leverage when it comes to pushing Biden on issues like Medicare for All, student debt, a much more robust COVID-19 relief package, climate change, and much more.
6/If you don’t see how vital Bernie’s policies are now, I don’t know what to tell you. Over 10% of the country became unemployed and lost their insurance in three weeks. For me, this isn’t just about Bernie, it’s about what he stands for.
7/ I will continue to fight for the principles of the Sanders campaign.
8/For those who are concerned about Biden, here’s an idea. Rather than chastising Bernie supporters, I suggest an organizing model similar to the Sanders campaign. Spend your time volunteering for Biden. Make calls. Make the case FOR him rather than spending your time scolding.
9/You’ll learn a lot talking to voters. I sure did. And continue to push Biden to adopt policies that will actually help the poor and working class. A group that is growing larger by the day.
(End of thread.)
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