"Husni come ward 'xx', we got one referral"
"Okay Dr, coming"

A referral case from a non-surgical ward. UGIB.

Patient had a sudden onset 7 episodes vomited blood since 6am that morning. Large amount.

Hb was down to 5. Packed cells were given.
Urgent OGDS was ordered.

Upon OGDS. Forrest classification 1b. Acute haemorrhage, active oozing. 5 Clippings done.

After the procedure, patient still had multiple episodes of melaena. Black tarry stool. Evidence of bleed from Upper GI tract.
FFP and more packed cells were given to replace the lost volume together with aggresive fluid resuscitations.

The patient's Blood Pressure were dwindling and fluctuating. Norad was given to give 'extra support'. Further blood products and fluids were given.
"Pakcik, kita nak cucuk sikit ni, selawat dan zikir banyak2. Bismillah"

Central Venous Line together with another peripheral line standby for further resuscitation

"La Ilaha Illa Anta, Subhanaka inni kuntu mina zalimin"

"La Ilaha Ila Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah"
Those were the words uttered by the patient in every drop of fluid and blood entered his body.

He glanced at us, as if he is saying, "I know you are doing your best Drs, thank you".
Kita bukan Tuhan.
Kita tidak punya kuasa menyembuhkan.
Apa yang kita ada, sedikit ilmu dan pengalaman.

Segala gerak langkah,
Segala gerak hati,
Datangnya dari Dia.

Di dalam bidang ini,
Sangat penting kita mulakan,
Setiap kerja dengan nama Tuhan.
For close monitoring, the patient was transferred to SHDU.

After a few days, we managed to stabilize his BP, no more vomiting, no more episodes of melaena.

Slowly tapered down amd then finally off the norad.

The smile that I saw in the eyes in my MOs were priceless.
He was then transferred back to regular surgical ward, and then a few more days after was transferred back to his original primary team. Alhamdulillah.

In total, we've transfused him the total of more than 10 pints of packed cells. Or perhaps 15. I've lost count.
"Assalamu'alaikum Dr, saya Husni, HO surgical dari ward xx. Saya nak request 2 pints packed cells Dr. Pt active bleeding UGIB"

Aku pun present laa case patient ni kat MO Blood Bank. Alhamdulillah, granted.

"Okay dik, granted. Nah, salin code ni R2Z05"

"Okay Dr, Thank you"
"Adik, saya nak mintak tolong boleh? Nanti, bagitahu relative patient ni, suruh war-warkan dekat family members yang lain, untuk datang blood bank utk derma darah deh? Stock blood kita makin kurang ni dik"

Aku dapat rasa keresahan MO tersebut disebalik suara beliau
Disambung lagi kata-kata beliau,

"Regular donors takut nak datang hospital sekarang. Risau takut kena tahan roadblock. Risau covid. Kita makin banyak transfuse darah. Demand tinggi, stock makin kurang. Mintak tolong ye dik. Mintak tolong sangat-sangat."
Nanti bagitahu jugak dekat kawan-kawan, kalau cukup tido, cukup kriteria semua, tolong turun derma darah jugak eh"

"InsyaAllah Dr"

"Terima kasih dik, assalamu'alaikum"

"Wa'alaikumussalam Dr"
Dalam satu situasi yang lain, pada hari yang lain, pesakit yang lain. This was my conversation with Blood Bank MO.

"Assalamu'alaikum Dr, saya HO surgical dari xxxx. Nak request 2 pints platelets Dr"
"Hah, alamak platelet lagi? Patient active bleeding ke dik? Platelet dia sekarang berapa?

"Erm, patient takde la active bleeding Dr, tapi reducing in trend from 73 to 63 now latest 41 je Dr"

"Okay, 41 tu adik rase rendah kan? Tapi patient adik takde active bleeding kan?"
"Maaf dik. Saya takleh nak bagi ni. Saya ada kene standby patient2 yang active bleeding, UGIB, C-sec"

"Ada 2 patient yg plt dia 9 ketul je dik. 9. Patient onco pulak tu. Maaf la dik, faham kan? Kalau MO nak further discuss dgn saya, suruh dia call saya"
That bad weh. That severe. Our blood stocks are dwindling. And it's not only in our hospital je. Semua hospital experiencing the same issue now.

So please, Malaysians. We urge you. We urge everybody to come and donate your blood to our hospitals. Datanglah menderma darah.
Cukup semua kriteria, datang lah menderma. We need you. Seriously. The hospitals need you. Especially dalam keadaan sekarang.
Saya syorkan kepada anggota polis and anggota askar kita yang membuat sekatan jalan raya, agar memberi kelonggaran kepada individu-individu yang ingin pergi menderma darah.

Kerana kami di hospital sangat-sangat memerlukan sumbangan darah dari mereka.
Malaysians. You can be a hero. Your blood, save lives. We need you.

"... Dan sesiapa yg menyelamatkan nyawa seorang manusia, maka seolah-olah dia telah menyelamatkan nyawa seluruh manusia"

Surah Al-Ma'idah, sebahagian ayat 32.

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