🚨 #singlecell #COVID19 paper alert🚨
This one has lots of clues for our understanding of #COVID19 and heavily implicates mononuclear phagocytes as central to severe pathology.
A thread....
They sampled #PBMC from severe and recovery stage #COVID19 and integrated data with reference healthy #PBMC
Fairly standard cell type annotation.
🤩Recovery stage samples are after Tocilizumab - anti-IL6R monoclonal Ab🤩
Fairly standard cell type annotation.
This bit is easy for PBMC nowadays and can be semi automated... 🤨

💥Cluster 13 are clearly T-mono doublets. Maybe these are physiological? Evidence of physical interaction/crosstalk? 🤷‍♂️
💥there is a monocyte cluster specific enriched in severe #COVID19 and receding during recovery/anti-IL6R...
💥Expressing LOADS of cytokines & chemokines
💥 #Inflammasome gene upregulation (Il1B, NRLP3)
💥Severe #COVID19 monocytes express ⬆️IL6 🤒
💥Severe #COVID19 monocytes also express C1QA - B- C which suggests to me differentiation towards a macrophage phenotype.
⁉️Are they on their way to becoming inflammatory tissue macrophages in the lung?
💥Another #COVID19 #singlecell @medrxivpreprint on patients shows
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.02.23.20026690v1.full.pdf inflammatory monocyte/macrophage population in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

⁉️Does the severe-mono population in the blood look like any of these BAL populations?
Back to the tocilizumab study...

💥They also see prominent plasma cells which recede during recovery, and are rare in health.
💥There are some proliferating and effector CD8 T cells expressing PRDM1.
Authors looked at putative interactions using CellPhoneDB - 💪tool developed by @teichlab @mirjana_e @roserventotormo 💪

💥Severe stage enriched for mono->lymphocyte signalling
💥Some IL6-IL6R signalling ⬇️ after tocilizumab
💥severe stage monos signal -> plasma cells ++
Overall model is that in severe #COVID19, monocytes are v activated and signal to lymphocytes incl plasma cells to orchestrate the phenotype...
Tentative implications:
🚫Need to break myeloid/innate activation - that seems proximal.
💊IL6 blockade seems well motivated given these data
💊Inflammasome blockade also worth trying
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