I'm right here on my computer trying to make a thread. I realized if you are here on TL, you either make sense or make noise. So here's a thread of me trying to make a sensible thread. Hope you like it.

So in my quest to make an awesome thread I sat down and thought...

What does an awesome thread entail?
What do you talk about?
Who's your audience?
Do they recognise your value in terms of what you know?

And another major question popped too
Who cares???

I kept nodding to myself as I asked these questions...
And then like a meteorite it hit me
Looking at the TL Landscape and understanding what resonates with the average twitter audience and what they like...

I came up with an awesome idea to do something no one has done here before...

Something new and different
Something spectacular and crazy
Something new
You can follow @DeeProduza.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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