Let's talk about eugenics.

No really. Because it seems like a lot of people wanna start enacting eugenecist policies without calling it for what it is. The culling of 'undesirables'.

and yes. They actually used the term 'r*tardation' multiple times within the state plan. If you're an 'edgyboy' feel free to tell me how this word isn't used to dehumanise people with disabilities and justify their mistreatment and oppression.

Further reports emerged...

There are others of course but I don't want to turn this is into a 100 tweet thread. I just want people to know this is happening. Institutions and governmental bodies are pushing policies that determine the worth of a person's life based on their 'usefulness' to the state.

The elderly, the infirm, the disabled, the 'degenerate'.

A life is a life. The state should not get to decide who's life is more important and if they're gonna do it they shouldn't be able to hide behind wordplay.

Call it what it is. Fascistic. Social cleansing. Eugenics.

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