i saw someone tweet that women will cry about the men they end up with and say they weren’t like that when i met him.....

because the truth is, that happens. you end up with someone for a long time, they are one way for so long, you get pregnant and people change.
that’s the ultimate truth. it is not your fault and don’t let anyone make you feel different for that because they don’t know your story. people can be manipulative and abusive without you even realizing it, but lets not judge someone for loving someone who turned on you.
before y’all start to speak on ANYONES life (in which you know none of their experiences throught it), realize it could be you when you least expect it. you are not god to judge anyone. empathy goes a long way or shut up.
we have all made bad decisions some point in our lives. some worse than others, but that’s no ones job to ridicule. we all have to deal with it on our own without extra commentary
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