One way you know how the larger OW community doesn’t give two shits abt T2-T3: no one batted an eye when Bren screamed “everyone’s like boohoo T2 players are retiring - THEY WERE WASHED ANYWAY”
Everyone’s always like “oh Korea takes esports seriously” and like - ok, sure, but everyone else can take it seriously too. If an official caster belittled player careers like this in Korea they would have had to put out major apology statements by now.
Ppl trying to defend the statement saying “it’s just a joke” or “to be fair he’s not wrong” - which is it fam
I mean I don’t give a shit either way, I just don’t think that was an ok thing for an official caster of an esport to say. At all.
If the community itself doesn’t take esports careers seriously as commitments and careers, and won’t talk about players’ investments with any degree of seriousness, then why should any other part of society? Why should esports be taken seriously at all?
We shit on people all the time for saying “playing children’s video games isn’t a job sorry” but somehow we find it so fucking easy to snicker at players when they finally say “I gave it my best but it’s time to move on”
It’s such a fucking slap in the face to the many, many people both in T2 and in OWL right now, who have worked really hard and volunteered their time because a healthy T2 scene is crucial for OW’s future as an esport
But whatever it got a 2 second chuckle so that makes it fine
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