I said millions of people wouldn’t die from the coronavirus & that there was likely to be less die from the coronavirus than the flu. Both are true. I also have consistently praised the Trump White House team’s response to coronavirus. What happens now? Media hit pieces.
The only thing I’ve gotten wrong, as I admitted weeks ago, was believing China’s numbers and the WHO’s endorsement of those numbers. But even with that error my coronavirus estimates have been far closer to the truth than the fear porn peddled by the mainstream media.
By the way, the author of that hit piece really just hates Donald Trump and can’t stand any praise of him or the White House coronavirus response. Here he is in my mentions.
He’s also emailed and DM’ed me over the past several years regularly calling Donald Trump a psychopath and complaining because I’m not ripping Trump. Now here we are. Probably not a coincidence this drops after we had White House guests on @outkick the past two days.
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