Lol definitely a white
Keep getting more mad as I re-read this thread and see all the praise in the replies from large white accounts lol
C'mon man, "cultural anxiety" ugh
None of this works with racism though! Argh
Gonna need "socially conscious" whites to understand that certain conversations only work if both participants are white, and the fact that you're not naming race at all is not "universal" but exclusionary
And that racists don't become racists for lack of "compassion" from people of color. We have a right to protect ourselves from even potential racists via skepticism, and if that comes across as "mean" too fucking bad
Even white "allies" get so distracted by things they desperately want to believe are true even though we've told them that this shit is dangerous over and over and over and over, argh
I'm seeing a theory that the meat might be talking about poor folks and BIPOC being susceptible to conspiracy theories, and therefore be kind to them. I don't read it that way but it's an understandable read, imo. But I'd still have issues though
First of all, talking about government skepticism among BIPOC can't and shouldn't be flattened like this, if that's what's happening. The shape of and epilogues to events like Tuskegee, Leonard Peltier, JA internment are all very different
Second of all, if there's government skepticism on the part of any of these groups, it's not helpful to tell everyone (including white people) to talk to them in any kind of way. Those are intracommunity issues and outsiders lack the depth
Third of all, if that's really the case here, then you can't be this vague. There are probably a ton of different ways of reading the thread because of how carefully the meat tried to "universalize" the central arguments
But in order for these types of missives to be any kind of effective, if they're trying to speak to that level of detail, they absolutely can't do it without mentioning race even once
And that's because the contours of race are different across the board, so you have to be specific. If I try to fight anti-Blackness the same way I fight antagonism towards Asian folks, I just end up flailing around because the lay of the land is drastically different
Idk man, I think it's cool if any account including cursed Brands want to help out, but wow you have to understand twitter and narratives of oppression better than this
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