Hi! I'm a new jikook support acc!

And since I'm new...I got some important questions‼️pls... I need answers 😭
First one: How long can Kook stare at Jimin without blinking?
#jikook #kookmin
Second: Did they already had a crush on e/o back then?
Third: Can't bh afford more cars or why do they always have to drive in the same?
Fourth: Are they always that touchy?
Fifth: Does bts not have something like a fitness room or why is Kook doing his exercise with Jimin on his back?
Six: Did Kook really plan this Tokyo add and forgot to actually put Tokyo in it?
Seventh: is Jimins staring ability the same as Kooks?
Eighth: Did bh put some magnets in their pockets?
Ninth: Are they always sharing their stuff? Thought I heard someone saying "wE dOn'T sHaRe ClOtHeS"
Tenth: What's with that fAn SeRvIcE thing I always read? Do they mean stuff like that 👇?
Eleventh: Are chairs that expensive in Paris or why did they have to share this one during that concert?
Twelfth: Did jikook really do a photo shoot on an inflatable unicorn or is this an edit?
Thirteenth: Did the guy next to jikook spill any tea yet?
Fourteenth: Did bh safe Namjoon already?
Fifteenth: What happend to the cute little Jungko...uhm *cough I mean lamb that Jimin was caressing here?
Sixteenth: Does Jungkook really like Jimi.....I mean tigers?
Seventeenth: Are Jikook sharing the same lip gloss?
Eighteenth: Are Jikooks shadows dating?
Nineteenth: Does Pancake nation have any proofs of what happened after that practice? (sorry...don't mind my curious ass)
Ok...Twentieth and most important question
Are they...you know....*whispers* ⁱⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ?
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