Imagine it. The people who you have known all your life. That you have cared for, healed. That you loved. Spitting at you, scourging you, mocking you. Stripping you of your clothes, demanding your blood, nailing you to a cross.
Remember that Jesus is not some regular man. He is God. He has existed before time. He knew every single one of his executors more than they knew themselves. He willed them to simply even be. He is saving them from themselves. And to be mocked for it.
Every single person that spit in Christ’s face, He loved and loves beyond all love. His love for them is unfathomable. We speak of Christ’s love as if it is knowable in any sense in this life, but, truly, it is beyond our wildest comprehension.
The most blameless Man. The most innocent Man.

Love incarnate. Love made flesh.
We are sinners, all. We hammer those nails in. We are the ones that spit and mock.

And despite it all, so long as we seek it, He will say “Come, share in your Master’s joy.”
This is why it is indeed Good Friday. For all the horror of the Crucifixion, it is the greatest triumph there ever was.
Forgive us, Lord, and let us someday enjoy the blessing of eternity with You.
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