As we see another round of complaints about Singaporeans going out, can we talk about behaviour change?

This is something I've studied a little and think a lot about. 1/9
Something I find frustrating is the bias people have about behaviour change: we always judge others harshly for being unable to adopt the behaviour we are able to adopt. It has a lot to do with what "come naturally" to different people. 2/9
But behaviours fulfill a need and more importantly, behavioural change is actually a complex process. This is why so many resolutions fail!

To change behaviours, you need to:

1) Change beliefs
2) Find new methods, change old methods
3) Take action and mantain new habits 3/9
1) Change beliefs
Firstly, there's the problem of individual goals not lining up with desired behaviour. This means there must be buy-in. Then, even with a common goal, people can have different definitions e.g. "what is essential". Or there can be competing goals 4/9
On top of that, there can be legitimate individual goals that outweigh this specific goal. And there can be emotional resistance and lack of motivation even after a goal has been accepted cognitively. 5/9
2) Find new methods, fix old methods

To change behaviour, the problem is a pragmatic one: how to do the new desired behaviour? This is hardly ever straightforward and requires trial and error. Sometimes planning is needed and frustration is involved, so people give up 6/9
Moreover, find the root cause of failure is difficult: is it an issue with environment? Does the method not suit the individual? Does the behaviour need to be simplified? And not everyone is willing or able to figure it out. 7/9
3) mantain new behaviour

But perhaps hardest of them all is being consistent. Just because you changed your behaviour today doesn't mean that you will stick to it. Underlying that is often some unconscious need or emotional resistance. 8/9
So, especially when we are looking at an entire population, believing behaviour change is going to be immediately and widely successful overnight is delusional and I think using laws to create change is counterproductive 9/9
Some of my notes from a workshop I attended:
@guanyinmiao some thoughts I've been to express about why people have trouble complying with circuit breaker
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