I've seen a lot of takes on the whole Cardinal Pell case. I want to share my own views on that and I think considering my personal life, and what I've experienced through out my life, that it will show people a new perspective...
Firstly, I'll say... Nobody is without sin or is 100% innocent of any wrong doing. Just because someone does certain things, does not make them guilty of other things. We have to becareful not to assume that and I'll get into detail...
People often look at the pastoral care of a Cardinal or a Bishop through judgemental lenses. They want the most damaging punishment put on to a priest who is abusive, anything else to them is seen as a "cover up" of scandal. There is a duty a Bishop has to his priests...
In the case where priests are involved, when one is guilty of abuses we need to remember that they are also human and as such will also fail. Bishops have a duty to protect their flock but also to heal and give a punishment to guilty priest's which is spiritually medicating.
I don't believe it is always fair to point the finger at Pell for his past involvement in moving priests around and then trying to claim he is just as guilty as abusers are... Bishops run into difficult situations and are tasked with helping everyone involved...
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