@BillClinton built strategic reserve of medical equipment to fight pandemics
@GeorgeWBush expanded to warehouses around the country to fight bio-terrorism
@BarackObama added watchers in China and a State Dpt program to help stop pandemics in other countries before they spread...
@realDonaldTrump destroyed as much of this as he could, turned the federal gov't against the states, and tried to turn the states against each other. He continues to peddle a product with no scientific backing, but is one in which he has a personal financial interest...
So when I say that this entire pandemic shutdown is Trump's own doing...
When I accuse Trump of personally benefiting at the deaths of others...
And when I call @realDonaldTrump a murderer, I'm not being frivolous, dramatic, or unrealistic.
Donald J. Trump is a murderer.
You can follow @The_Ghost_Rat.
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