A note on race coverage - there is no one final word on race in this country. Race, especially now, is an evolving conversation in terms of identity, ethnicity etc. It is no longer a binary conversation. Failure to understand and see nuance - esp in Latino pop is a mistake.
And for non Latinos please watch your assumptions about race and Latinos.
Conversation on Twitter is so limited it's ridiculous. This is not the place for nuanced discourse when everyone is just waiting to tear others down.
I'm not here to participate in cancel culture esp when it comes to talking about US Latinidad. Even among ourselves we have disagreements. I'm good with that.
But what I'm not ok with is dangerous and toxic accusations of malice or racial erasure. Discourse and correction is always welcome. The former is not.
Becuase US Latinos have been ignored for so long - in our history, our media, our politics - but now you're all experts? How is that?
This is a population that people have mocked, ignored and abused as low wage workers, undocumented immigrants, for speaking Spanish etc. So I sincerely doubt there's that much recent concern over their well being, racial identity or political power
That's where the performative nature of the racial "discourse" on Twitter begins. From people who have never dealt or lived withing these communities.
I don't do what I do for my ego. I don't talk about race because it's cool. I do it because it's essential to our society. I have LIVED this. And I can tell you that there are tons of people who never set foot into Twitter and could care less about your academic opinions.
They could care LESS about the hair spitting, name calling, academic and media terminology that's used here to knock people down. Thats right - off Twitter people don't live in this fantasy. They live the reality of poverty and discrimination.
And when I talk to my fellow POC about this who aren't on Twitter (and YES I'm using the term people of color) about this they stare at me in amazement.
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