So @Diddy held a panel titled “Black America & the Coronavirus” where everyone concluded Black Americans are dying more from the Coronavirus because of racism.

Where were the doctors who will tell you the real reason is that Black Americans are more obese, have diabetes and HBP?
This is how Black Americans insist on and continue deceiving themselves over and over again.

They were the same people who said back in January that Wuhan virus cannot infect black people (again, self deception and delusional).

Now it’s clear it affects them more, it’s “racism”
People never take Black Americans seriously in these types of issues or discussions because every single matter must begin and end in racism.

Occam’s Razor says the simplest reason is likely to be the actual reason

Just look outside your window and see fat black people all over
Diddy invited Al Sharpton, Yara Shahidi, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez, and a number of other prominent people to a panel to cry that it’s all due to racism when all one needs to do to see the real reason Black Americans are dying so much from Wuhan Virus is to walk an American street
He could have invited a panel of doctors to explain why Black people are dying more from Coronavirus.

But Black Americans don’t want to hear that 83% of the people currently intubated on ventilators due to Wuhan Virus infection are fat or obese.

What they want to hear is racism
In case you are wondering why more Black Americans are dying from Wuhan virus / Coronavirus than any other group by proportion in America, this level of self deception about their health is probably a good reason why.
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