I get that every second man in your family joined the army and you're sure they're personally the good guys but that doesn't make the military a benevolent institution ☕
they don't care bout your brother, husband, father or grandfather, any more than they do about your femalehood and womanhood
women in the army, enbies in the army, queer people in the army are all disrespected and harassed, just look up what the General BR in India has to say about these communities
whether it's how lower class/caste javans are exploited as "sahayaks," the bodies of women treated as battle grounds and bounty to be won, or justifying their existence with violence in a vicious circle, GROSS.
God I shudder to even think about how the armed forces act with impunity in conflict zones (Kashmir, Kunan Poshpora, Just to name a few) and then have you to defend them when they really do not CARE about you and your lives
why are you loyal to a system that isn't loyal to you gahddamn. This applies to soldiers and the nation at large. Don't even @ me
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