This song is 23 years old, but it will never, ever sound dated to me. A marvelously chaotic live performance from TOTP, back when bands could be scruffy teens in overlarge jeans
I never understood the rules of TOTP, some bands were allowed to be fully live, some fully mimed, and some had live vocals but backing tracks like this
I'm reminded that Skunk Anansie were bloody brilliant and massively underrated. Not just Skin's incredible voice, but the huge guitar sound and feral energy
Hey, remember the band A? They were huge fun! Starbucks is a proper anthem, and Something's Going On is ace, but this was their biggest hit - just found out that's Radio 1's @DanielPCarter on bass!
And remember when Beastie Boys were a punk fusion band confusing the fuck out of middle America on network TV?
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