really am sick to the back fucking teeth of trans folks being harassed for the art we make. we can't make erotica, we can't make stuff processing our trauma and abuse, can't make stuff looking at the slurs used against us, cant make messy work, cant make cute cartoons now
pray fucking tell what we are allowed to make? what are we allowed to speak about? or is it that you don't want us to speak, you don't want us to make things and have a voice and show the world we exist? hmm, nail, head, hit. you expect us to be perfect in a imperft world
now i want you all to pay close fucking attention cos the people who harass Claude, and Gretchen, and the attack helicopter author, are the same people attacking a cute cartoon about shoplifting.
you aren't exempt from this
they can and will eventually find something you made that it is possible to take exception to, then they will fucking come at you too, if you are trans and make any kind of art, frankly if you are trans and interested in being able to speak and have a culture, you're in this
it will happen again and again, and the lesson to take away here is support your fellow trans artists, because whats happened is they've chipped away at the edges, bit by bit, and now you're exposed to, learn, show solidarity in future
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