“One bad apple spoils the whole barrel” is a popular quote connoting a destruction of situations usually by people’s actions.
But, what if genuinely you saw the exterior of the apple as fresh & didn’t know of the bad spot within? After all, one apple a day keeps the doctor away
This is where Grace walks in & says “okay, we are going to get the barrel (your heart, mind & soul )sorted by cleaning it (purification) since it’s stained with the spoilt apple” (inadequacies)
Then while you wait , probably with a glass of chilled juice in your hands; because Grace gives us comfort & a peace of mind, Grace picks up a shopping basket & says “let’s head to the market, shall we?
You get to the market & see gorgeous golden apples on a silver coated display stand. So you turn & say “ 😱oh my! these cost a fortune!”.
Grace picks 7 (perfection) golden apples & says “well, your name is written on them so it’s been paid for. Here,let’s go fill up that clean barrel😉(your renewed state)
Moral lesson: Even as a spoilt apple giving off negative vibes, God’s love will ALWAYS find you & make you that perfect golden apple for His Glory. All hope isn’t lost even if you think you’re the worst person on this earth.God still wants you. The question is :Are you willing?
Grace is Jesus. He is ready for you❤️
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