In my lifetime (11 presidential elections, 5 Democratic presidents), the only losing primary candidate I can remember who went on to have a role in the winning candidate’s admin is Hillary Clinton.

So, why are we filling Biden’s from the 2020 crop? Serious question.
*5 Democratic administrations, 3 individual presidents.
I originally had the thought that became this tweet after seeing one of the many Biden Cabinet Dream Team tweets floating around. Buttigieg as SecVA, Warren as SecTreas, Harris as AG, etc. The point is Biden's Dream Cabinet seemed to be all former Dem candidates.
I wonder if former Dem candidates are really the most qualified options available (they're probably not) and whether or not we're trying to fill the cabinet by popularity contest (we probably shouldn't - see, for example, Trump's cabinet).
What about any potential additional angst our focus on past candidates this cycle is bound to cause? If you supported a candidate who isn't the eventual nom, but you're pinning hopes on buzz about a role that may not materialize, it feels like ripping the scab off the wound.
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