The market timing is one of the biggest dangers for the regular investor.
If you don't know what market timing is, it means to try to invest in the stock market when it's at the bottom, right before it raises.
IN the past few weeks I have suffered it first hand.
Open thread
When the Covid-19 crisis started, I had 76% of my net worth invested. This means I had 24% of cash.

My idea before this crisis was to invest all the cash during 2020, in order to be fully invested by 2020 (except my emergency fund).
When the stock market started to drop at the end of February, I decided it was a good time to invest, and I started to use my cash.
Afterwards I see stocks kept going down and I felt bad. "Why didn't you wait a bit more to invest?" - I asked myself.
Then I decided to wait till "it touched bottom", and I so how stocks kept on dropping. I invested a bit again.
The next day I transferred more money to DEGIRO, but it took one day to arrive, and the S&P500 rose 5% that day.
Due to that, I decided to wait.
That was 10 days ago, and I have been waiting for the S&P500 to drop so I could inevest.
And as you know, the S&P500 has gone up massively. As a result, I have felt really frustrated with myself, since I "lost the opportunity" to buy cheaper
Conclusion: you should invest when you have the money ready. Wait for the stocks to drop can be very dangerous, both emotionally and economically.
In order to avoid this I have decided to invest every week the same amount till I run out of cash.
I have been saying for a while that the best investment strategy is to invest periodically the same amount, taking advantage of the ups and downs of the market.
Now more than ever I understand how useful this strategy is, since it removes the emotion.
What do you think?
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