Okay, so - ugh.

Easter weekend is going to be a tough one for walkers, bikers, outdoors-ers - haunted by previous years of gallivanting.

But maybe it's also a challenge to copy a bit of the fortitude shown by the people we always say we'd love to be like.

As a scifi-loving kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, like how I later wanted to be an archaeologist after watching Indiana Jones.

Then I *was* an archaeologist (briefly), & found it wasn't about replacing golden idols with bags of sand & then running like the clappers.

Same with terrestrial adventurers, like those on polar expeditions on foot.

Or the admirable, heroic and clearly mad-as-forks solo sailors who did this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunday_Times_Golden_Globe_Race

(Grab this book for a gut-churning retelling of it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Quest-Adventure-Chris-Bonnington/dp/0340417005 - h/t @Al_Humphreys)

And maybe part of that, to quote @mrdavidwhitley, is to "stop trying to enforce miserable, joyless living on people who are behaving suitably responsibly."

Spending Easter weekend yelling at people (who aren't listening anyway) doesn't sound like an adventure worth having.


All this is crappy and awful. And just getting through it in one piece is everything.

But if you want, there's also stuff to learn about the reality of those adventure stories we all grew up with. Not really comparable (Netflix vs frostbite? Hm...) - but maybe a taste.
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