Gonna start a thread of my current reading. Predictable, its bout baby!! Belum kebaca semua. Dan yang udah kebaca pun blm semua diimplementasiin. I def still struggle with baby. But liking all these books. Very informative. Broaden my perspectice. Wish I read them sooner đŸ„ș
First thing first.. must have in ur phone from during pregnancy till after the baby born: BabyCentre app. Jadi nanti isi umur kehamilan/ umur baby, it will remind u how long ur pregnancy n how old ur baby is. Plus (the best thing) ur page will fill u with relatable info u need!!
Having been pregnant in the mid of Univ final exams n tight working schedule, I didnt think of the need to read. But decided to take maternity leave a month sooner just to slow down to have the me time, took yoga classes, did lactation consultation, n start to READ more!!
1st book. Recommended by Lactation Doctor when I came for the 1st consultation: Anti Stress Menyusui (in Bhs Indo). Breastfeeding (BF) isnt that easy! WHO suggested 7x consultation till 40 days after delivery (these were very useful btw), cos lots new mom struggle with BF! Me ☝
2nd book. Catatan Ayah ASI. Ni penting bgt sih. Krn sesungguhnya peran ayah bkn cuma nungguin pas lagi lahiran ajah. Sesudahnya byk banget yg hrs dilakuin. And not only to support BF, but so much more that! 2 days paternity leave for dad isnt even close to be enuff dear Gov! Kzl!
Next book. Could only read a couple or few pages a day đŸ€­ Di bab bab awal ada beberapa tips supaya baby ga bangun malem terus berulang kali, n gmn supaya mereka bisa enjoy their 'awake n quiet' time 😍 p.s. it doesnt matter if u re not a fans of french, this book is GOOD!!
Another good book... Ini bacanya bakalan lama sih, on going while he is growing up deh... Ada practical case story yg bisa kasih gambaran ttg ide n konsep nurturing child sih. Suka!!
Terakhir untuk saat ini... Ini buku isinya berwarna, kalimat pendek2, byk gambar. Semacam pocket book tp BERAT haha. Ngebantu bgt buat yg pgn dpt enlightment tp malas baca panjang, trutama soal MITOS ortu jaman dahulu kala vs FAKTA. Byk hal yg 'katanya' itu adalah Mitos gengs!!
Semoga our baby T sehat sehat, emaknya bisa kembali rajin membaca. Walaupun masih struggling, tapi feeling blessed for having him in our life. Hoping the same for all parents n parents-to-be out there!! 😘

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