I feel like a stroppy child when I start tweeting things like "I want boobs" "I want to be a women" but like I'm starting to realise I might be trans and am definitely looking into it all now. I know you don't choose whether you are are not but i don't know if the jealousy I 1/
I feel towards women sometimes really just indicate further that I want to be one. Im afraid to even put any concrete definition on anything because I change a lot as a person month to month so what if it's just me having s particular feeling at a particular time?? Stuff like 2/
This really worries me. I know HRT is super hard to come by in the UK too. Also here's a thing I realised: for as long as I can remember I've loved women's clothes and wore my mum's heels as a kid so idk if that counts for anything 🥴. Friday morning outpour much. Oh also 3/m
Maryam if you read this thread ily to bits honey I'm not crying I swear ❤️ please don't cry at this it's bad for your skin
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