Just a reminder that plurality is extremely common but plural people are too stigmatised to be open about it and are commonly misdiagnosed or never get a diagnosis. In many places, plural people outnumber trans people and folks with major depressive disorder and OCD.
Keep in mind this particular chart is going by very outdated studies and DID was MASSIVELY under diagnosed and misdiagnosed the further back in time you go, and it still is today. Took us 3 years and 5 doctors to get diagnosed.

Also keep in mind this is just for DID, but clinically you could also be diagnosed with OSDD1a and OSDD1b, or you might be plural and are not disordered enough for a diagnosis (in which case ur still valid, and is recognised by the DSM-V😤),
if ur anti endogenic please just get the fuck out of this thread and block us before you post your hot takes about people needing childhood trauma to be valid
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