In this paper, I'm looking at how participants can use the [That's + wh-clause] format as a practice to transition from one sequence to a next by creating a pivot-like nexus between them. This engenders a sequence organizational phenomenon that I call "sequential junctures".
When used in third position, this works to present the next sequence as locally occasioned by what preceded it. The practice may, however, also be used in second position, where it typically involves disalignment with the sequential trajectory projected by the preceding action.
The sequential junctures then become retro-sequential in character and create interlocking sequential structures. The way in which this works is that participants mobilize a display of topical coherence or connectedness as a resource (and a local warrant) for launching actions
that may otherwise be seen to be sequentially somewhat ill-fitted. I argue that this highlights the fact that sequence is practice and that it points to understudied connections between tying and sequentiality (and perhaps topic and sequence more generally). Happy reading!
I want to end this thread with another heartfelt thank you to @rolsi_journal and @BogdanaHuma for their continuous encouragement and flawless support in getting this article published. You've been amazing all along the way!
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