Pretty cool how @ScottMorrisonMP et al have raised a middle finger to the artists that created all the content that Australians are desperately trying to consume at this time on his butchered NBN.
The same artists who banded together to raise money for Aussies in the wake of the devastating fires. The artists who put on comedy shows, and concerts, and created bushfire relief movements which pulled in tens of millions for devastated Aussies.
The same artists who contribute about $110 billion annually, or about 6% of the GDP.
The same artists who are unable to find work right now because jobs in media and entertainment are down 86% (going by job ads).
The same artists who are creating content now from their homes which is being consumed across social media, keeping many people’s spirits buoyed, because God knows we won’t be buoyed by the federal political leadership on display.
The same artists who will help us process the grief of this moment after it has passed, with their art. Art that will inspire and restore us as a nation.
The same artists who sacrifice a regular wage in the pursuit of a creative career, under a government that does little to foster that talent, and often purposely maims it. In the last few years they’ve cut hundreds of millions from the Australia Council, SBS, and the ABC.
The same artists who go without permanent employment for months at a time to keep themselves available for periodic opportunities, like “run of show” contracts in TV, where freelancers might work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 4 months at a time to make that show you love.
The same artists that make stuff that people like @ScottMorrisonMP would smirk at and say, “you’ve got too much time on your hands”. They purposely make stuff without a purpose. Just because. The stuff that celebrates and chronicles life. That makes your heart sink or soar.
But because these same artists don’t have a regular income stream that aligns with what @ScottMorrisonMP thinks is a real job, they’ve been told they’re not allowed the job keeper payment.
Think about that when you sit down to watch telly tonight, or listen to music or a podcast, or read a book, or look at a cartoon in the paper etc. The people who made it likely have families, likely can’t work, and are likely really quite stressed right now.
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