Having worked in retail & tourism I remain fascinated by consumer behaviour so I've been musing on what might be different once the #lockdown is over. For example...
The supermarkets have all been reducing their ranges massively to cope with increased demand for basics; will we want to go back to have 30 different loo roll options now we can cope with 10?
There will be massive pent up demand for leisure & tourism product; what will people want to do first? Will the theatres/cinemas/restaurants/hotels/museums etc be ready for that?
We've all got used to keeping our distance from others; will we want to go back to large crowds of densely packed people? What does a society accustomed to social distancing mean for music festivals or busy shopping destinations?
The smartest most of us get is a shirt on top and tracky bums/shorts out of the computer camera view; will people want to go back to structured & uncomfortable clothing? After lockdown, whither Reiss?
There's lots of talk about lockdown accelerating the WFH revolution, but what if this makes people realise how much they like the social aspect of colleagues to chat to, bounce ideas off and grab lunch with?
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