My relationship with my body is a complicated one. Some days, I look in the mirror and love everything I see. Other days, I avoid looking in mirrors altogether. But it’s exactly this, I’m ~looking~ at myself for some kind of validity.
I should be asking my body how it feels. How does my tummy feel? Full from the last burrito de frijol I had? How does my heart feel? Is it racing a little because maybe we are a little anxious?
Our bodies are constantly changing. Even just sitting at a different angle can completely change how our panzas look. We can’t judge something and award it value based on the aesthetic it fulfills when it is constantly morphing into different shapes and sizes. We are worth more.
Our bodies do so much more than just appear. They hold our greatest and our most painful memories. They’ve been along for the ride since we were born into this world. They’ve always been there, growing and experiencing with us.
I’m still learning to appreciate my body in this way, and it definitely hasn’t been easy. For anyone struggling to love themselves, know you’re not alone. I encourage you to add a photo or two of yourself when you were feeling powerful and beautiful to this thread. I’ll start.
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