So about that CBC CREATIVE RELIEF FUND. Like a lot of emergency-relief funds we've seen for precariously-employed Canadians lately, reading the fine print is always in your best interest. Here is why.
The relief fund disqualifies truly emerging creators, unless they partner with an established company (how many students, youth, marginalized, geographically-isolated etc. Canadians have access to those relationships?)
Podcasters will sign the "CBC CMG freelancer agreement." If that's the Freelance Specific Services Agreement (which I suspect is the case) - you will be waiving your moral rights & broadcast rights to the pilot you're developing. You can't take it elsewhere if they don't buy it.
Wouldn't it be nice to see an original piece of content from a completely undiscovered voice? As talented as many are, it can get really tiresome to hear the same Canadian Broadcasting/Production Stars with the proven track record.
If they're going to use the Freelance Specific Services Agreement, it's a bad contract that doesn't serve the interests of precarious media workers. I really hope they're not.
Estimating budget is the hardest thing to do, especially when you're tasked with thinking "big, bold and creative." Mostly because nobody shares how much it costs to make big, branded podcasts, because they'd lose their competitive edge.
$2M is cool. If a small chunk of that, even just $200K, is portioned off for CBC Podcasts, then a handful of pilots could be developed, which is nice.
If you apply to CBC's UNSCRIPTED Innovation Stream, be aware that, according to the language in the application form, CBC has ability to develop ideas similar to your proposal in the future, and are under no obligation to inform, involve, or compensate you.
Working on spec is always risky, but this is especially risky from a creative copyright/intellectual property perspective
Just from a cursory glance, it looks like those terms are also present within the application form for the SCRIPTED Innovation Stream, CBC KIDS & TWEENS Innovation Stream, and YOUTH & YA Innovation Fund
Anyways, if someone is offering $2M, just read the fine print. Do a cost-benefit analysis. Am I an idea machine? Would I be okay sinking time & resources into a pilot, even if it doesn't get picked up? How would I feel if they release a similar concept in the future without me?
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