If this country does not repent - and I mean repent, no matter how the elections go in our favor, this country will be lost. It's not enough to quote scripture, we have to live it. Some of you take everything for granted, relying on men instead of God. Saying things like...
..."Trust the plan," or, "Trump's got this," or Patriots are in control." It is simply not enough. Does Trump know the depths of Birx and Fauci's corruption, and the role the MSM plays with Fauci when he's not in the room? Do you think that everything is just simply going...
... according to plan? These past few months should tell you that not the case. Do you just take for granted you're forgiven by God without repentance and godly living? We need full out revival in this land and in others. Nothing short of this will do. Do you realize all can be..
...lost, and will be without it? This nation is under complete satanic control right now, and we cannot defeat the enemy with mere words. Quoting the Word if God without the power of His Spirit behind it doesn't go far. We've allowed the enemy in through apathy and lack of...
... conviction. Going to church every week with the devil in the pulpit came exactly this way, and through greed. Will you answer the call or merely spout words that meaninglessly fall to the ground without effect? Will you commit to revival? It's the only way. We are at a...
...precipice. It's now or never. Don't depend on anyone else to do what you should be doing yourselves. God is waiting. Most if you are dependent upon man & government right now. It truly is now or never. Just look at what's happening. This is disastrous for our nation. #WWG1GWA
Father, I pray you open the eyes and ears of every man, woman, and child in this country during this tumultuous time. That the cares if this world, the must for the things of this world, that sickness and the threat of evil men in this world, and everything that makes the Word...
... unfruitful will be cast aside for You and Your Word. I pray for a return to Your Word and Your works. I pray for revival, Lord. I pray for Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's call to go to the Capitol in DC on Sept. 26, 2020 will be filled with millions of godly men and women from all...
... countries will fill the streets followed by true revival and godliness. We have such a small window of opportunity. Let it not be lost, Lord. Lord, I cry out to You for Your children to wake up! We truly need #TheGreatAwakening now, Lord. We cannot wait any longer. Time is...
... truly running out. Our President cannot do this by himself. It does take an army of Your people fasting, praying, & acting upon Your Word and will. We can no longer sit back, because if we do, Satan's army will defeat us. Pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh now, in Jesus name
Look. If we don't repent and pray, it will be this:
☝️☝️☝️Julian Assange warned us about this. He warned us.
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