Menstruation is the blood that comes out of the lower part of the womb at regular intervals naturally, and without any sickness or injury. It is a natural occurrence that Allah created the daughters of Adam to experience. Allah created it for the benefit of the child while
It is in the womb, and made it turn into milk in its mother after its birth. Thus ,if the woman isn't pregnant or nursing a child this blood remains without use and so it is discharged at regular intervals.
false menstruation:
It is the flow of blood that occurs at a time outside the normal menstrual cycle, it flows from a vein. The woman that has this type of bleeding is subjected to the same laws as a woman outside her menstrual cycle.
The Age at which a woman starts menstruating:
The are two different views from the scholars. ;
—First view: they said the youngest age at which is possible for a female to start menstruating is nine (9) years, their evidence for that is a hadith which is weak[Jamiul Saghir]
—Second View: they said there isn't an exact age at which a girl start menstruation,if a girl less than 9yrs of age experiences a discharge based on the characteristics of the menstrual blood,then she will consider it as menstruation. This because Allah didn't pinpoint an
Age for the female with regards to when she starts.
This second view is the most preferred rule.
The age at which a woman stops her period;
With regards to this, women vary with the difference of weather and environment.
The four famous mazhabs pass their verdicts by considering the weather at their time as follow:
Maalik:No limit
All these mazhabs proclaimed that when a woman notice a discharge after these specified ages,she will consider it as false menstruation not menstruation.
Ibn uthaimin said: if an aged woman notice a discharge based on the characteristics of menstrual blood
Then its her period, it is a filth [2:222], so whenever she see the menstrual blood the rule is established, when she don't it isn't established.
It is so much possible for a woman to start her period before age 9 and to see at an old age.
Differences between the menstrual blood and other blood
—The menstrual blood is black while the normal blood is red(Bukhari)
—The menstrual blood is thick while the normal blood is not thick
—the menstrual blood has a distinct smell unlike the normal blood its odourless
The minimum and maximum duration of the menstruation.
Their is is no limited time and days fro from Qur'an and Sunnah.
But our pious predecessors specified that maximum duration of a menstruation is 15days for a woman whose duration of period is not up to 15days.
For example ,a woman normal period is 5 days every month , then she experience a change in this month,her period increased from 5 it didn't stopped until the 15th day,she will consider all these in her period,if it surpasses the 15th ,she will consider it outside her period
But if her normal menstrual cycle is for example 17 days every month then it's her period. [Ikhtiyaratil fiqihiyyah].
Classification of women with regard to menstruation.
They classified in to 4 classes as follow:
1.if a woman has a regular menstrual period and also can differentiate between the bloods: she will leave prayer and fasting during her normal period if it doesn't surpass 15 days, if it surpasses, she will sit for the length of the period which u used to observe in your
Normal menstrual blood.
Because of the hadith of umm habibah{Muslim}
She should differentiate between the bloods.
2. If a woman has a regular menstrual period but can't differentiate between the bloods: if the blood continue to flow after her regular period ,she will sit as explained before up to 15days if it stops before the 15 then it is all her period but if it exceeds then
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It's false menstruation, so she will perform a ritual cleansing and then return back to her regular duration of her period.
3. If the woman does not have a known regular period but can differentiate between the bloods, the class of woman in this case will consider blood which has the same characteristics as her normal menstrual blood as menstruation and consider any other blood as false
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4. If the woman does not have a regular period and can’t differentiate her normal menstrual blood and other types based on the characteristics of the blood;
She will sit for six or seven days it's the period for most women, as in hadith of the prophet S.A.W :
"Consider your period to be six or seven days. (Abu Dawud)
Adding to this some scholars suggests that any woman in this category should consider the duration of period of her closed ones Like her mother,sister and so forth.
Because similarity of a woman to her closed
Ones is more closer than the similarity to most women.
Regarding yellowish and brownish discharge;
If it's within the period then is considered in the period, if it's outside it it will be considered outside it.
How does a woman no her period has ended?
It can be recognized in two ways ;
—the flow of a white discharge:the white discharge resembling whitewash(Bukhari).
—The drying of the vagina ;she finds that out by inserting a piece of cotton and it comes out dry
What are not permissible for a woman in her period to do.
-praying and fasting(Bukhari)
-having sexual intercourse (Muslim)
-performing tawaf round the ka'aba(Bukhari).
NB:with regard touching Qur'an there are different of opinions from scholars, but for me l think she can.
Insha Allah l will stop here, may Allah bless us
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