[[ !! π—•π—Ÿπ—’π—’π—  *π—œπ—­ Appreciation Post !! ]]


if you're ever curious about IZ*ONE's SOUND/MUSIC especially about their recent album called "BLOOM*IZ" and why it became the best selling gg album of all-time in Gaon history in less than 2 months, then this is for you. 😊

-first and foremost, all I want is your respect and open-mindedness.
-I aint gonna tolerate bs under this tweet (bcs obviously its an APPRECIATION thread. NO HATES intended)
-pls refrain from commenting as I'm gonna upload all the 12 tracks in this thread
-E N J O Y ! !
"By enduring growing pains and putting effort into their goals, this album represents IZ*ONE’s infinite potential and their diverse talent. It’s now time to finally reach their dreams that are beautifully blooming."

original post: https://twitter.com/cyn0929/status/1229334527446790144?s=20
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