In regards to shoplifting drim drams, I would say if I see it, I look away because I think any law enforcement would just cause more damage to the shoplifter and the employee still might get in trouble. So, my rationale is that if it occurs and no one is hurt, I won’t cause hurt.
However, I can’t agree with shoplifting just...things, when the reality is that many people depend on shitty jobs that pay shit wages. I am totally sympathetic to anyone shoplifting necessities for survival though.
Just, I don’t know, when it comes to random product someone doesn’t need, it’s risking someone’s livelihood over junk that doesn’t matter. And it’s not like people wake up and choose to work $7.25/hr jobs to be abused like that.
I just really find the rationale of “Well, it’s the corporation’s fault.” as justification for shoplifting crap is...weak. Yes, it is their fault, but like with restaurant servers, I don’t abolish the tip system by actively screwing servers over by not tipping.
In short:
- if it’s survival, shoplift if you have to
- please think of the consequences towards yourself and others when it’s just a want
- if you see it happening, don’t be a cop because it’ll make things worse
- don’t harass artist for shit comic
I will add tho most people harassing the comic artist are angry at her for some very blatant reasons *cough* because she’s trans *cough* so I don’t think we’d ever have a productive conversation on this anyways.
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