Welp since Exposing Myself won, here is my political journey. Let me preference this by saying that I do not hold the same beliefs I held just 3 years ago. So let's get started I guess (I will probably regret this).
So I started following politics in 2015 through the GOP Primary. I supported Bobby Jindal until he dropped out and then switched to Ted Cruz. So no I did not ever back Trump for the nomination for president. In the general election I was very frustrated by my two choices.
I ended up going with Trump (very reluctantly might I add) because of my frustration with Obama's policy on Cuba. I believe that this was further encouraged due to the racism and entitlement from the left. Calling Trump racist loses it's power when you are racist to his supporter
People would claim that me supporting Trump as a Latino was the equivalent to a Jew supporting Hitler. Many people thought that I should be deported back to Cuba because I didn't support Clinton. Those attacks were racially motivated and showed be that both sides arguments...
Are true. There are racists on both sides, so when that was no longer a factor, it felt a little bit easier to support Trump. I never was happy about supporting Trump. In my eyes it was supporting the lesser of two evils. Ironically the claims of supporting the unknown resonates
So when Trump got elected, I was obviously not too happy about it. While at the time I liked him more than Clinton, I still hated both of them. There were some racist remarks made at school about Latinos the next day. That is why I took the picture with a MAGA hat.
It was to show that just because Trump won, didn't mean I was going anywhere. I gave Trump a chance at first. He was new to politics so I wanted to see what he was going to do. The first doubts I had were during the Kavanaugh hearings.
I was confused as to why Republicans were so against an investigation into the allegations made against Kavanaugh. This actually led me to do some more digging and I began to realize that most of my beliefs were actually held by Democrats.
So in the 2018 midterms, I generally supported Democrats in Congress (with a couple exceptions). However, it still felt weird to cheer on a Democrat because I spent most of my life as a Republican. Honestly it still feels weird now and when I voted for Biden last month..
That's when it hit me, I don't have to be a Democrat to oppose Republicans. That's why my party affiliation changes in my bio a lot. I am technically an Indy and if there's a party in my bio, I am ticked off at the party not listed.
So why do I defend Republicans or Generalizations? Because these generalizations are a lot more dangerous than you think. Clinton's deplorable comments might have seen as only targeting some people, but as someone who was actually on the side getting attacked..
It felt like that comment was made in order to dismiss the concerns of the majority of Trump supporters. It was a divisive message and solidified my belief that Clinton shouldn't be in office. We need unity and that is why I like Biden and not Clinton or Trump.
Also should say that the comments made in a racial or against my age (I was 14 in Nov. 2016, began following at 13) were always wrong and I always stuck up for myself. The reason why I stick up for others when stuff like this are mentioned (regardless of belief) is because
Not that many people had the guts to stand up against the racist and ageist comments made about me when I joined politics. To those who get into politics young, never hold your beliefs back, but acknowledge when those beliefs change.
Your voice is important at age 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. Your ability to vote or pay taxes means nothing when it comes to holding some sort of political belief. Comments made in a racial matter are always wrong. Block them after you report the comment.
If anyone wants to know any specifics about my journey, just ask below. I will answer them to the best of my ability.
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