Okay real talk, please read this because I have to go off rn. So rn if you don’t know I work at UPS, and because we are a postal service we are considered a necessity. I handle around 3,000+ packages per shift. Those packages consist of items that cure your boredom to
Necessities that the elderly need becuase they can’t go out to buy products to items that hospitals desperately need such as gloves, masks, and COVID-19 testing kits. Don’t get me wrong I am happy that I’m still able to work during these times, but
I work in a warehouse with around 300+ people and we are one of the smaller hubs. People are being put in trucks together, masks are not being required, gloves either, they are not checking our temperatures when we come in, and they are still giving us write-ups
If we call in sick. The one big thing that does bother me about this is WE ARE NOT GETTING HAZARD PAY. That is really frustrating because all of us are risking our lives and our families to make sure everyone is getting the things that they need to their door step instead of
Them having to go out and risk their own lives. UPS can afford to pay us at least a few cents more to compensate for the risk we are taking to make sure we can still provide a service to the people who need it. I guess I’m so pressed because we have a union but
They are not doing shit about this. The reason why the union is taking out 40$ per month out of my check is to make sure we are getting treated fairly, and they are just sitting back saying theirs nothing they can do. Even Amazon, which is known for
Treating their employees like shit, are giving their workers hazard pay, and taking better precautions than UPS.
I want my #HazardPayNOW .So I just found out today that someone in our building tested positive for COVID-19. The company knew since Monday and they barely told us today. The man who tested positive hung out in the break room where me and a lot of other people
Hang out. When they finally decided to tell us, they only told a select few. Even after finding this out, our building still chooses to stick 3 people at a time into trailers to keep up with our demand. Now I’m finding out that if we choose to not work because
We feel like it is unsafe they will take away our heal benefits, which would leave me with no insurance. They claim to be cleaning our work surfaces but I can tell that they aren’t. I will say this again, ESSENTIAL WORKERS SHOULD GET #hazardpay.
Oh did I also forget to mention that we’re getting paid less thank minimum wage? 🙄
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