I dare anybody with this take to pick up a camera, choose a predominantly Democratic neighborhood at random, and go door to door asking voters what they thought about David Sirota's tweets. https://twitter.com/TheOtherBernie/status/1248451584725413889
Log..... and I cannot stress this enough....off.
It wasn't, actually. https://mobile.twitter.com/markovitisb/status/1248473826364514317
Multiple organizations put out detailed, representative data on what Democratic voters were thinking multiple times every week for about three years and it would be good if people read some of it, imo.
It is simply empirically true that Bernie Sanders is not a divisive figure in the Democratic Party. Not because of his staff or for any other reason. This is just a fact. https://mobile.twitter.com/Dixonthewall/status/1248474066224177158
There's no evidence at all his approach alienated a meaningful proportion of the electorate and some evidence it won him money, young voters, & the support of organizers that built out a vast campaign infrastructure. Wasn't enough. Also wasn't why he lost. https://twitter.com/csilverandgold/status/1248483508831436801
I think the word electability captures not only the anxiety about beating Trump in this particular election but also the doubts & reservations that have tanked innumerable progressive candidates who were not Bernie Sanders for 100 years in this country. https://mobile.twitter.com/rothschilddev/status/1248486920516034560
A lot of very genial progressives without supposedly problematic people online have also faced doubts about their viability and lost primaries and elections. In fact, one such progressive also lost this primary. So I don't think this is a particularly fruitful line of inquiry.
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