What your fav cheetah girl says about you now: a thread
If THIS was your fav cheetah girl, you’re now in a trailer park, you think corona virus is caused by 5G so you refuse to wash your hands. Bhad babie is your favorite female “rapper”. You voted for trump even tho u abuse welfare and have a Mexican boyfriend 🙊
If THIS was your fav cheetah girl, you are late to work everyday, your co-workers hate u because you’re mean a’f and bring awful energy to work. You haven’t achieved anything in life except being a cheerleader in highschool and u still talk about it 24/7. You have a lisp
If THIS was your fav cheetah girl you are currently thriving. You have a cute little family and you’re a huge fashionista with incredible taste. You are living the life u always dreamed of and you have a lot of haters who pray for your downfall every night 💕
If this QUEEN was your fav cheetah girl you are 100% that bitch cuz girl ME TOO 😍🙈 , you are funny, happy and constantly growing/evolving as a human being. You are single and aren’t in any rush to find “love” because it will eventually find you. Your bank is FAT
End of thread 💕💕 stream Say So by Doja Cat and wash your face
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