We are no longer affiliated with @/ughpjm__ and here's why... please check the thread for further explanation!
1. There has been some issues between us and @/ughpjm__ she actually lied to one of us about a slot for a lightstick in a shop. ss below shown that the shop cancelled the order due to her late payment but she still wanted to sell it. we dk if she was aware about the cancellation.
2) we tried reaching out to her to explain about the bogus buyers stuff + the giveaway in which *her own acc* won the GA. but she was not replying or viewing our msgs
3. We also did a little research and with the help of our friends we got to find another new account similar to her account. We checked the phone number of the account and it turns out that it also has the same numbers as all her previous 4 accounts. +
notice the last 2 numbers of her phone number, where we used to contact her..
+ she said that she would be in study mode and her gadgets were taken(see her tweets) but how did she get to message @/bubblefairyjin(me) when she asked for the money back(from the txt ls)

500 is the downpayment i paid her~
5. the issue that her backup account won in her GA,, we asked her to show some info of the winner to clear her name but instead she gave us excuses. we even told her to ask the winner to make a selca + a piece of paper with his/her username for conclusive proof+
but after that suddenly she started to become inactive/avoided it.
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