This is an adult ladies and Gentlemen. Imagine misgendering someone ON PURPOSE just because you dislike them. This user was called out for stalking, block avoiding and harassment so I had a few words,, now I'm just being possibly insulted. I'm being spammed,,
@Quackity doesn't even play Roblox. It was for a trolling video he made and he said to follow these accounts. I don't play Roblox and don't see why even if I did it was an issue. Why was it even brought up lmao that's so petty.
The Roblox accounts I follow are literally his friends and his' accounts. It was to mock Twitter accounts and make a funny video. I literally don't see why it was even brought up or such a big deal..? Roblox is a children's game anyway Lol???

The video I have been referencing.
Apparently I deserve harassment because I used to play Roblox and I backed up the person you originally did these exact things to. You're just proving their point.
Guys đŸ„ș guess no one can play Roblox anymore! It's so immature to play and anyone who plays it deserves to be harassed apparently,, Roblox just got cancelled sorry guys 😞 back to playing Pacman
This is why it started. You were harassing a user and I told you to pretty much stop being obsessive. You then give me the same treatment cause you're toxic af.
The whole Roblox thing started cause they were snooping my page and saw I followed Roblox ACC's a YouTuber made for a trolling vid. They then used this as a form of blackmail. That's so gross and doesn't relate to the topic of why this all started at all! Now this.. WHAT.
You're stalking my thread but anyway. Stop insulting me and calling me names. Don't get your followers to come HARASS me either. It shows how immature you really are as if we didn't know already.
This dude,, ima head out
Getting your simps to stand up for you, liking all their stuff and getting them to harass me. Stay civil if you can.
The user and his minions have been blocked. I will not tolerate harassment. It sucks you're an adult and were fighting with a 14 year old. I have to be the bigger person and back away. Block and report the user.
End of thread as of rn. Love you guys x
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