@ChanelRion Good Evening. First and foremost 'We' a Nation of Patriots would like to thank you for your work exemplifying the reason and the need for a Free Press that reports the news and only the news.

And saying that you have been witness to the most biased and unreal >>
Reporting by all the major news agencies controlled by 6 conglomerates...

We know you have seen for the past 3+ years a 24/7 minute-by-minute assault by the MSM against our
@POTUS to the present day..

Putting all BS aside, this was the very reason for the birth of Q.
Our Military knew the day would come the GlobalCabal would Come out swinging against an outsider. And in the case of Q they were proved right,, for what you yourself and Millions of Americans and Millions of People around the world have witnessed even with their own MSM
So, to set things straight. Q is a Military Intelligence dissemination program of less than 10 People. Military + Civilian personnel with Q+ being @POTUS designed to set the record straight providing facts to the public over the onslaught of Fake News.
So, knowing what you know now,
And everything you yourself have been through as far as witnessing the 24/7 onslaught a fake news ask yourself this question. Could anyone else survive what He has to date?

We Recognize you as a 'Warrior'

For God & County. 🇺🇲
4-10-20 🇺🇲 https://twitter.com/SSG_PAIN/status/1248362014834954241?s=19
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