I’ll try and not be a dick. This right here is why November is rather important. The consequences are dire, like big fucking time. He’ll make all the old judges retire to fill them in with 30-40 year old hard right wackos. 7-2 SCOTUS majority here we come.
Whether you vote for Biden or not, the Senate is important, the house is important, and every other downballot race is important.
Gay marriage for example, what happened? Anthony Kennedy voted for it, he was a swing vote for years, what happened, Trump and Mitch made him retire and we got Brett Kavanaugh because of it. They’ll get to replace Thomas, Ginsburg, Breyer, Alito, the whole nine yards.
So when I see someone say tell me why I should vote for Biden without mentioning the courts, it makes me think you kinda don’t understand or care for the importance of the courts and what effect a Republican held WH and Senate have on the courts.
This whole thread sounds like a centrist/moderate, yes it does. I care a fuck ton about social justice and fighting the status quo, but that shit ain’t happening if you don’t have a court you can win battles in.
But fuck, that’s enough irrational shit posting in this thread. You can see my anger, it’s overwhelming, and it honestly consumes me sometimes.
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