David Frum with his usual excellence, attention to detail & authority of substance has written a detailed account of @realDonaldTrump's complete failure as President, his willingness to sacrifice anyone who gets in his way to include the death of thousands of Americans. Every...
2) ...American must read this & share it across the country. Do not allow Trump's criminal administration to continue the lies they have forced upon the people, do not let the @GOP, @HouseGOP, @SenateGOP lie to you; they have already sentenced US to death & they recognize they...
3) are criminally complicit in Trump's destruction of our country & our people. Read the entire article, if we do not act we will face a depression worse than the 1930s & we will be guilty of helping Trump kill our citizens. Frum's statements are FACTS. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/04/americans-are-paying-the-price-for-trumps-failures/609532/
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