That’s fine, right? Again, the choice of Biden was putting all the chips on the idea that there are more moderate Republican votes to be had in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida than there are far-left votes to lose.
The #NeverBiden squad saw Bernie as the compromise candidate. You’re not going to win them over. But that’s not a huge number and it wasn’t the number you were counting on, so that should be fine, shouldn’t it? There are moderate Republicans to be had, go get them!
I’ll vote for Biden in Louisiana, even though it’s about as close to a swing state as my body is close to Heidi Klum’s, but I’m going to spend my 20-30 volunteer hours per week on a down-ballot campaign, probs focusing on getting non-voters registered.
I can’t put my energy into a campaign that has open disdain for me. Which is fine, the result is the same if I can get some new progressive-leaning folks registered and excited to vote down here. But y’all thought it would be easier to get swing Republicans to Biden. Fine! Go!
I’ll tell you right now, though, every ounce of energy you spend punching left instead of doing the work to identify and convert those moderates is going to drive the wedge further down the middle of the party. Showing us that your way works is a much better argument.
“We can’t win without moderate Republicans.” GREAT. Fine. Show us.
If you wanted something closer to a leftward compromise ticket, you would not have picked by far the most conservative of the field’s serious contenders. The case you always made was “we cannot nominate Sanders (or Warren or Castro) bc we need the moderate vote.”
Again, that’s fine! But it makes a lot more sense for you to go make that case to moderates, who are closer to you on the political spectrum, just like it was on me to make the case for Bernie to you! I hope you do better at this than I did, because boy am I a failure!
The convince-able leftists are either already convinced or won’t be convinced until the last minute one way or the other. Ignore us! Use the fact that we openly consider Biden a shit sandwich to your favor! “I know this socialist and she hates him!”
That’s a pretty serious selling point considering they’re going to be hearing “Biden’s a socialist” from the media at the other end. It’s good! Use it!
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