this whole thing with the RH exploiting this is really pissing me off, if the devs would actually listen to us maybe the game wouldn't be garbage right now. They're going about this so wrong
make a diamond limit
make a bomb ass anti exploit script, Attack On Titan: Projects-
scripter is a scripting god take him up for the job, there are so many people out there who can script hella good, or ice needs to take some notes from these people because his apparent 'script' is non existent
i know i sound like i'm bashing them but i just need to get this out-
its freaking annoying
they wont update the two year old school
it look horrible
no offense
i saw a thread on twitter
explaining that all the devs are doing is working on repetitive events
me, and many others agree that missing a few of these events would be fine if they worked-
on the actual game
like fixing 'new' RH, that part of the game is just broken.
PE stays until the next day, you cant paint in art and sometimes you cant even select things from your inventory. I honestly am not surprised RH didnt win a bloxsy or however u spell it, the main-
aspect of the game has been abandoned.
i know they work hard, i love them to death and worship them like the kings and queens they are, but come on.
If a bunch of 10 year olds come on this thread and bash me for saying my opinion, your comment will be hidden. ill be adding more to this as i get more mad
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