As much as I think it's... strange... seeing white people make themselves look BLACK and black people make themselves look WHITE, why do we think the idea of that is so shocking but a male becoming a female or vice-versa is seen as an amazing feat and that we support?
If we're going to encourage people to be their 'authentic selves', why do we get to pick and choose what falls into what's acceptable and what's not? Especially given race/ethnicity is far less important than gender/sex.
I'll never understand how we'll see a male transforming into a female and say, 'BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF, YOU'RE AMAZING", but see a white or black girl trying to appear as the other side and we attack them and make out they're self-hating and absolutely insane?
If a white woman is self-hating for wanting to look black or a black woman self-hating for wanting to look white then why isn't a male self-hating for wanting to be a female and vice-versa, what gives us the right to pick and choose when it's ok?
Just seems hypocritical... In a world that deems Caitlyn Jenner more authentic than Rachel Dolezal, 'well she was born with white parents', yeah, and Caitlyn was born a man, I genuinely struggle to see why we're so harsh to one and not the other.
I personally couldn't care less what people choose to identity as, I think everyone should be able to do and be whatever makes them happy as long as they're not harming anyone else, but I wish as a society we wouldn't be so hypocritical.
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