
A "nurse with 20 years in an ICU" said she's a Trump supporter but he "overreacted."

She usually always agrees with me, but not this time.

First she said she was sorry I'm angry, then she made a Grand Flouncing Exit™ with a Pithy Parting Shot® that I didn't see.
If she were a real nurse, she'd know that herd immunity isn't an option with COVID-19.

The Spanish flu came in three waves from 1917 to 1919.

The SECOND wave was FAR DEADLIER than the first.
Are people really arguing that we need to put up with YEARS of COVID-19?

They have no idea what they're talking about.


This bears no resemblance to anything that came before.
Every single prior recession and depression were the products of ECONOMIC TRENDS.

Bubbles burst, prices dropped, consumers lost confidence, defaults.

Here's what's happening:

If nobody is demanding that bills be paid, there's essentially no problem.

Depressions are caused by cascading events.

In this case, everything was put into hibernation in less than a week, and everybody is working together.
The people claiming that this is a "hoax" think that EVERYTHING is a hoax.

It's a form of insanity.

They position themselves as SMARTER than you.

YOU are part of the "sheeple," and THEY are the ones who know the real story.

Except they never do.
These people always REACT.

They never say, "At some point in the future, the globalists will fake a pandemic in order to tank the US economy and impose a totalitarian system."

They WAIT, and then they say what they say about EVERYTHING.

"It's a HOAX!"
I knew a guy who told me that his uncle survived that Allied death camps set up by the US after World War II.

We murdered 7 million German soldiers.

That German survivor...emigrated to the US and became an American citizen.
And this is the madness.

"9/11 was an inside job!"

"Then why aren't you afraid of the government?"



They're just striking poses.
We're enduring four different crapstorms.


The economic shutdown.

A lawless Democratic party.

A treasonous press.
Those of us who are adults NOW are the greatest generation.

This isn't to take away from the OTHER greatest generation.

But they had advantages that we don't have.
They had intact families, a good education system, a loyal press, loyal political opposition, and a very small number of fifth columnists.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation."
I'll tell you the stupidest thing I ever did.


The guy who gave it to me deliberately told me to take too much.

A strong dose is 8 to 16 buttons. The guy told me to take 40.
I was very glad to learn that he died young.

But that night was the worst experience I ever had.

My family was away on vacation, and I was alone in the house, so I ate 40 peyote buttons and totally lost my mind.
Peyote causes bizarre religious thoughts and imagery.

Image a jet engine hooked up to your head and blowing in words, sounds, and visions.
I had to go outside and march around a nearby lake--this was at night--and try as hard as I could to hold it together.

After maybe ten hours, I went home and took a shower, and then I read Sylvester Stallone's novel Paradise Alley to force myself to remain anchored.
That's the only time I read the thing.

I have no interest in reading it again, because I associate it with the night I almost destroyed my sanity.

It took me a long time to accept that so many of us are on a permanent peyote trip.
Those of us who stayed anchored are STRONG.

All the odds are stacked against us, but we don't give up.

So congratulate yourself. Your character is truly magnificent.


All the fake Trump supporters block me after I debunk their stupid talking points.

"Uh-oh! He's onto me! Feets, don't fail me now!"

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