i have a hot toasty take. i will preface this with: cis people this is none of your damn business
hello other trans people namely fellow trans men since i see you doing this the most. i think perhaps it'd be great if you stop policing the language that trans people use to describe their own bodies
hold on this'll be a thread should have clarified
how many times do people have to repeat "your experiences are not universal". your discomfort with certain terms like pussy to describe genitalia is not universal. every trans person has varying comfort levels. some are fine with it. some aren't.
if you yourself don't want terms like that applied to YOURSELF that is your right and no one should impede on that right. but you also shouldn't try to censor other trans people and how they express themselves.

again i'm basically talking in terms of trans masc people.
many trans men are fine with terms like pussy, clit, boobs, etc. and they shouldn't have to censor themselves for the sake of YOUR comfort! i can't constantly try to account for every single person's comfort and experiences with being trans when talking about my own or writing
things based off of my own, so i won't. you can just choose not to look at it. it's that easy❤️
sorry this thread was spurred by the fact i constantly see trans men yelling at other trans men about how they refer to their genitalia and how it makes them dysphoric or whatever
it literally is not My Fault that you got dysphoric it is not my responsibility to make sure you aren't made dysphoric especially if what makes you dysphoric is different from what makes Me dysphoric
i care about your comfort, i do, but not when you try to silence me and other people because of your own personal issues
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