Do you have any family members suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus? This is for you.

[Cold thermogenesis šŸ„¶šŸ§Š - A thread]

Apart from getting the sun (healthy mitochondrial function & vitamin D) and correcting leptin, ask them to start cold thermogenesis!
What is cold thermogenesis (CT) ?

Cold thermogenesis literally means "cold that generates heat".

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It means means exposing your body to cold so that your body must heat itself.
So how do you start CT?

1. Face dunks in ice-full bucket
2. Cold showers (sampai mengigil2 bukan sejuk yang biasa2)
3. Cold bath (letak ice in bathtub)
4. Go outside with as little clothes as possible
5. Sleeping in a 16 deg room
6. Anything that makes you cold and shiver!
How does cold thermogenesis help diabetics patients?

1. Cold exposure regulates blood sugar and lower insulin resistance.

2. Cold exposure induces brown fat activation & increases adiponectin level.
Recall from endocrine what is the function of brown fat and how to activate it "againā€.

We had brown fats when we were babies to heat us up. But then we lost them growing up.

CT is proved to activate brown fat. Brown fat will lit kill your white fats. Hooray! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„
Brown fat burns energy while white fat stores energy. If you can have more brown fats, you will also lose weight.

This is not skyrocket science. Itā€™s proven and thatā€™s why cold therapy for weight loss exists!

The more brown fat is activated, the better it is for diabetics.
Now for adiponectin.

Like I said, CT increases circulating adiponectin level. Why is this important?

First we have to understand the function of adiponenctin.
In a caseā€“control series, individuals who showed high serum adiponectin levels were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than individuals with low serum adiponectin levels.

CT is proved to increase adiponectin level!
Itā€™s a really huge topic which is extensively studied.

The objective of this thread is just to introduce this discussion to the mainstream narrative .

If this thread has piqued your interest, now at least you can start your own research!
If you are interested to start CT for diabetes purpose, you must also correct your sun and your leptin to unlock its full potentials.

Cold thermogenesis is the smart thing to do. If you have a loved one suffering from T2DM, read this article.
Be compliant to your meds, monitor your diet, exercise adequately.

I donā€™t see why we canā€™t add this to our regimen to manage our sugar level!

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